Exercises for Healthy Legs and Veins
What you can do for yourself?
There are many things that you can do to positively support your veins and their health, and to prevent venous disorders.
Did you know? Your body is designed to walk 30 km a day. How many kilometres do you actually do? No one expects you to walk a half marathon every day, of course. But even smaller walks can make a difference to your health.
Pay special attention to the avoidable risk factors. In addition to reducing or avoiding these risks, you should also take active measures as well: why not take the stairs instead of the lift every now and then, or the bicycle instead of the car.
Forms of exercise that improve your endurance, for example swimming, cycling, walking or jogging are ideal for strengthening your muscle pumps. Your body will thank you for it!
Refrain from crossing your legs as this can constrict the veins at the back of the knee, thereby restricting blood circulation. Instead, cross only your feet when sitting.
A healthy diet is always advisable as every extra pound puts further strain on your body, in particular your legs and veins. Make sure your dietary fibre intake is sufficient and cut down on sugar and fat. You should ideally also avoid alcohol and nicotine consumption.